Image of 3 kids

Parent Handbook Summer days 2025

Welcome to Summer Days!

Get ready for an unforgettable summer adventure! AYS Summer Days are back and ready to give Hoosier kids an exciting summer while school is out.

Camp is a special time for incredible fun and lasting memories. This handbook has everything you need to help you, and your child(ren) get ready for an amazing summer. Our camps focus on fun, learning, growth, not just keeping kids busy. We will have STEM activities, field trips, sports, and more to keep kids engaged and learning.

This is a place where yourchild(ren) will learn, cooperate with others, and have fun while staying safe.Working with other kids and counselors is important.

Our trained staff works to help your child learn, grow, and have fun. They create a safe space and enjoyable camp experience for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you this summer!

AYS FEELS Like Home at Summer Days

Summer Days are packed with fun! Kids will explore new activities, make exciting discoveries, and learn through hands-on experiences. We'll have fun field trips, active games, and creative projects to keep everyone engaged. Our staff are first aid certified and have passed background checks for peace of mind.

Mutual Expectations

Parent Responsibilities

  • Follow all AYS and school policies, including sign-in/sign-out procedures to help keep every child safe.
  • Submit any changes in your child’s schedule, including withdrawals from the program, through the online parent portal.
  • If anything may affect your child’s well-being at the program, please talk to your Youth Development Leader. This information will be held in confidence.
  • Ensure your child has everything they need for the program (water bottle, extra shoes, sunscreen).
  • Always be respectful and kind when talking to AYS staff, both at the program site and with the admin team.
  • Keep your family and child's information up to date and stay in touch with AYS staff.
  • The parent/guardian should share important details about the child's care with the Youth Development Leader. They should also make sure other parents, guardians, or authorized pickup people are informed.
  • Payments will be made on-time and accounts will be kept current.
Child Responsibilities

We call the following set of traits, "The AYS Way." These are the characteristics each AYS student should follow. They will help children build confidence, understand themselves better, and develop self-control. The AYS Way includes:

  • Adventurous: I can be brave, try new things and have fun!  Honest: I can tell the truth, be sincere and play fair.
  • Kind: I can be friendly, forgive others and help people.
  • Respectful: I can be polite, show concern for others and resolve differences.
  • Responsible: I can follow the rules, do my best and set a good example.

AYS Locations

Summer Days locations can be found at

Operating Hours

Summer Days doors open at 7:00am and close at 6:00pm*. Late arrivals or early pick-ups should be communicated with the Youth Development Leader in advance.

*A fee will be charged for late pick-ups.


All Summer Days sites are closed on the following holidays during the summer:

  • Juneteenth (Thursday, June 19, 2025)
  • Independence Day (Friday, July 4, 2025)

Food & Beverage


Please pack* a nutritious, balanced lunch and include a healthy drink (hydrating, not carbonated). Sites do not have refrigeration for lunches, so please do not send milk or mayonnaise-based products. A lunch box or personal-sized small cooler with the child’s name works best for packing lunches and drinks. Please do not send soda or microwaveable items. A refillable water bottle labeled with your child’s name is required. Children will have access to water bottle filling stations during the day.

*Please note: some locations may have access to free lunch through the school district’s summer servings program. Please see your Youth Development Leader for more information once the program has started.


AYS serves nutritious morning and afternoon snacks, and children are encouraged to try new foods. A snack menu is posted at each program site.

Children with food allergies must have a completed Plan of Care form on file with AYS. Staff members will work with parents to provide a suitable snack substitution when necessary.

Logistics & Accommodations

Field Trips

At least one field trip is planned per week, and each requires a signed permission form. Information about field trips will be shared in the weekly newsletter as well as at the program site. Parents are responsible for following the schedule and making sure their child is dressed appropriately for each trip. On field trip days, children are required to be checked in at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time. All children are required to attend the field trip. Sack lunches are required on field trip days, unless otherwise instructed.

Any changes made to field trips are for the benefit of the participants and at the discretion of AYS, including unforeseen delays or inclement weather. You will be notified with as much advance notice as possible.

Items to Leave at Home

Each school and Summer Days site has its own rules about what types of personal items are allowed within the school building. AYS families should follow guidelines set by the school and the AYS Youth Development Leader. AYS is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal items, including but not limited to cell phones, electronic devices, books, games, and all other personal items. AYS is not responsible to cover any costs incurred due to the misuse of personal items. AYS recommends that all children leave valuables at home. If a special situation requires a child to bring personal items to AYS, please make arrangements with your Youth Development Leader.

Special Needs

If your child has a special need or requires additional assistance or accommodation, please communicate that information to your Youth Development Leader and include it in your registration. AYS may require a parent meeting prior to your child attending the program to review the information and develop the best plan for your child. AYS may consult with its special needs consultant for assistance in developing this plan. If you have questions, please call our administrative office at 317-283-3817.

Non-Discrimination Statement

In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C . 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish).

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 10-2 It is the policy of the Indiana Department of Education not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability, in its programs, activities, or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Laws (I.C. 22-9-1), Title VI and VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964), the Equal Pay Act of 1973, Title IX (Educational Amendments), Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USCS § 12101,et.seq.). Inquiries regarding compliance by the Indiana Department of Education with Title IX and other civil rights laws may be directed to the Human Resources Director, Indiana Department of Education, 151 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204, or by telephone to 317-232- 6610, or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 111 North Canal Street, Suite 1053, Chicago, IL 60606-7204. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Summer Days is designed for rising Kindergartners through rising 8th grade children. Registration for Summer Days is required each summer. Registering is easy and parents are encouraged to register online at

Registration Requirements
  1. Completed registration online including child and parent information, emergency and authorized pick-up contacts, health record for each child, and signed terms agreement.
  2. Immunization record for each child.
  3. Plan of Care and/or Medication Consent information (if applicable).
  4. Bank account/credit card authorization for auto-pay (recommended) or other payment method selection. Please note, AYS does not accept cash.
  5. Non-refundable $35 registration fee per child.
Emergency Contacts & Authorized Pick-Up

Emergency contacts and persons authorized to pick up your child must be at least 18 years old and have a photo ID present. When you register, please provide their names, relationship to the child, and phone number. You can update, add, or remove contacts online. If you believe you have a special circumstance and are not able to meet the age requirement, please talk with your Youth Development Leader. A waiver may be available for older siblings in some circumstances.


AYS requires immunization records for all children in our programs. The purpose is to prevent the spread of vaccine preventable communicable diseases. These records will be kept in confidence. AYS must have a copy of any parental objection for religious reasons or a physician’s objection for medical reasons.

Medication Consent Form

Parents must provide any applicable Medication Consent and/or Non-Prescription Medication Consent information with their registration. If your child must take any prescription medication during AYS program hours, parents must provide Prescription Medication Consent information, which includes written instructions, dosage information, potential side effects for AYS to monitor, and a doctor’s signature. The medication must be provided in its original prescription bottle with the child’s name, dosage, prescribing doctor, written instructions, and expiration information. If non-prescription medication is to be administered during AYS, a Non-Prescription Medication Consent form must be completed. Medications cannot be sent with the child.

Plan of Care

If your child(ren) has health conditions and/or special needs, Plan of Care information must be submitted with their registration. A parent meeting may be required to follow up on the information.

Updating Information

Parents are asked to keep contact information current - including mailing address, email, phone, emergency contacts, and authorized pick-ups. Simply log into your online AYS account to make changes.

Summer Days Cancellations

Registration cancellations will be accepted before May 12. After May 12, there is a $50 cancellation fee per week per child.


Confidential Information Disclosure

AYS does not sell or rent customer information to any company. As a matter of standard practice, AYS will not release confidential information or allow access to that information without prior written, signed, and dated consent that specifies the information to be disclosed, the party to whom the records are to be disclosed, and the purpose of the disclosure. However, there are times when AYS may disclose at AYS’ discretion confidential information without consent if the disclosure meets one or more of the following conditions:

AYS Official AYS staff members may disclose confidential information to other AYS staff members whom they have determined to have a legitimate interest in the information.

Educational Institutions AYS may disclose confidential information upon request to the school, school system, or other applicable institutions so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the child’s education, safety, and/or well-being.

Health or Safety Emergency If AYS determines there is a significant threat to the health or safety of a child or other applicable individual, AYS may disclose confidential information if disclosure of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the child or other applicable individual.

Federal, State, and Local Officials To comply with federal and state agency audits, evaluations, and other legal requirements AYS may disclose confidential information to authorized representatives of those agencies.

State and Local Juvenile Justice Officials AYS may disclose information to whom the information is specially allowed to be reported or disclosed pursuant to state statute or other laws.

Court Order or Subpoena AYS may disclose confidential information to comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena. In most cases, AYS will make reasonable efforts to notify the parent of the order or subpoena.

Lawsuit AYS may disclose confidential information in the context of a lawsuit that the child or parent brought against AYS or that AYS brought against the parent or child.

Accrediting Agencies AYS may disclose confidential information to accrediting organizations to carry out their functions.

Media Release

AYS uses and releases photographs, audio recordings, and/or video recordings (collectively media) taken or recorded at its programs and events for educational, instructional, and promotional purposes as determined by AYS. These items are for AYS use in broadcast and media formats now existing or created in the future. These media often include depictions of AYS children and/or parents engaged in instruction, activities, or other functions. Any such media is the sole property of AYS and may be used or disclosed by AYS for any purpose without express written consent. To withhold your consent for the disclosure of your and/or your child’s media, you must notify AYS in writing during the registration process. If you wish to withhold your consent for the disclosure of media of your child after registration is complete, please notify AYS in writing by sending a letter or email (from the account owner’s email) to the AYS registrar at Please note that AYS will not be responsible for and cannot control media captured by individuals who are not employed by, affiliated with, or under contract with AYS. AYS will not identify children by last name in its use of media.

Money Matters


Summer Days weekly tuition is based on the full week and is due regardless of your child’s attendance. Credits are not available for absences. Invoices are issued each Thursday, and tuition is due in advance and no later than Friday for the upcoming week. Please see the Summer Days page for pricing: Registration fees are non- refundable and non-transferable.

Registration Fee – $35 per child


Tuition payments are due weekly (processed on Saturday for the following week). Payments are processed each Saturday. If a balance is due, you will receive an invoice via email with the amount due. Please note that tuition is required even if your child does not attend, and there are no credits for absences. Registration fees are non-refundable. If your child will miss a week due to vacation, notify the Registrar’s Office at least five (5) business days before your planned absence.

Overpayment will result in an account credit. Account credits will be held for one additional semester. After that time, the credit will be forfeited.

Payment Options

  1. Automatic deduction from a bank account or credit card (recommended)
    Set this up when you register online.
  2. Online
    Log in at
  3. Check or money order
    We are unable to accept payments at the program site. If you wish to pay via check or money order, please contact the business office at to make arrangements.

Please note: AYS does not accept cash. Tuition is due in advance and no later than Friday for the upcoming week.

Returned Payment Fee

Returned checks and declined bank/credit card transactions will result in a $25 returned payment charge. After two returned payment charges, other payment arrangements will be required.

Payment Responsibility

The parent/guardian who enrolled the child is responsible for the payment of tuition and fees and ensuring all balances on the account are paid in full. There will be one account for the child attending the program. AYS cannot and will not get involved in financial, custody, or personal disputes between parents or guardians.

Late Payments

Summer Days tuition must be paid by Friday for the upcoming week. Tuition is required even if your child does not attend. There are no credits for absences. Late payments will result in a $10 late fee. Each week that an account is not current will result in an additional $10 late fee. Repeated late payments or failure to make these payments will result in the forfeiture of your child’s participation in Summer Days. If your family has an emergency that may affect prompt payment, please contact 317-283-3817 or Financial assistance or special payment arrangements may be available. Late payment fees are not covered by CCDF vouchers or discounted by any financial assistance program.

Late Pick-up Fee

Summer Days ends at 6:00pm. Anyone arriving after the end of the service time they are registered for, per the AYS clock, will be charged a late pick-up fee. Within the first five minutes, an automatic flat $10 late fee is charged. After five minutes, an additional $1 per minute fee is charged.

Example 1: If a child is picked up two minutes late, it is a flat $10 late fee.

Example 2: If a parent/guardian arrives at 6:12pm, the charge is $10 for the first five minutes, and $7 for the additional seven minutes. The total late fee charge would be $17 (only one charge per family of multiple children).

Late pick-up fees will be added to parents’ billing statements and are due with the next regularly scheduled payment. Repeated failure to pick up children in a timely manner will result in forfeiture of your child’s participation in AYS. If you have an emergency and will be late to pick up your child from AYS, call your Youth Development Leader as soon as possible.


Limit one discount per family. If you qualify for more than one, the best offer will apply. Discounts apply to camp tuition only. Not valid for enrollment or late fees, NSF charges, or other charges.

Multi-Child Discount

Families with three or more children enrolled in Summer Days will receive an automatic 15% discount per child.

Full Summer Payment

AYS offers a 15% discount to parents who pay tuition in full for the entire Summer Days semester. Payment must be received prior to the start of the program. Please contact 317-283-3817 or for more information.

Military Personnel

AYS offers a 15% discount for direct dependents* of current military service members. To receive this discount, please provide information with registration.

*AYS defines a direct dependent as a child living in the household of the service member or a child for whom a military service member is listed as the primary or secondary payer on the AYS account.

Partner School Personnel

AYS offers varying discounts for direct dependents* of current partner school personnel. Discount percentages can be found on the individual Summer Days site pages located at To receive this discount, please provide information with registration.

*AYS defines a direct dependent as a child living in the household of the partner school personnel or a child for whom partner school personnel is listed as the primary or secondary payer on the AYS account.

CCDF and Financial Assistance

CCDF Vouchers

AYS accepts CCDF vouchers and recommends that families who meet the CCDF guidelines apply. Information about CCDF eligibility and the application process can be found at Please note, regular tuition payments are due until AYS receives notice of an approved CCDF voucher from the state. Families with CCDF vouchers are required to swipe their Hoosier Works child care card every day at their AYS program site to record their child’s daily attendance. If parents fail to swipe each day, they will be responsible for payment for the full tuition cost.

AYS Summer Financial Assistance

AYS offers limited financial assistance through the Ellen Clippinger Fund on a first come, first served basis. Families are required to apply for CCDF and either be wait listed or denied before they are eligible to apply for AYS financial assistance. Please contact our registrar for more information at or 317-283-3817. Please note, regular tuition payments are due until a financial assistance award decision is made.

Health & Safety


Parents are required to inform AYS staff about their child’s participation in Summer Days. Please make sure to inform staff of any vacations, appointments, or other events that may affect your child’s schedule.

AYS utilizes email, texts, and phone calls to communicate with Summer Days parents.

Drop-off & Pick-up

To ensure the safety of all children, AYS requires that every child is signed in and signed out by a parent or another authorized adult each day. Children cannot be dropped off on school grounds and may not sign themselves into the program. Only persons authorized during enrollment may pick up a child from Summer Days. In the event of a custody

situation, you must provide court documents showing proof of legal restrictions. Only individuals 18 years or older may be listed as authorized pick-ups. Photo ID is required until staff become familiar with faces. ID will be required if there is someone picking up that staff or substitute staff do not recognize.

In the case of an emergency where no authorized individuals are available to pick up the child, the parent/guardian may contact the Youth Development Leader in advance by telephone to make special arrangements. A verification will also need to be faxed or emailed. The new authorized individual must show picture ID to sign the child out.

Outdoor Adventures

Summer Days includes both indoor and outdoor play. During the hot summer months, water consumption, sunscreen, and appropriate precautions are important. AYS staff will use their judgment and the heat index to determine when and how long children will remain outside. Please be aware children may still get sunburned despite the precautions taken.

Accidents & Injuries

Accidents, injuries, and other events may happen while your child is with AYS. While we take steps to prevent them, they can still occur. If this happens, AYS staff will document the situation and notify parents.

Medical Emergencies

In a medical emergency, AYS staff will call emergency services and contact the child’s parent(s). If we can't reach the parent or designated contact right away, we will try to reach the emergency contacts listed until someone is notified.

Behavior Management

AYS strives to enhance the social development of each child we serve. All AYS staff and volunteers work to develop positive relationships with children based on mutual trust, honesty, and respect. AYS staff and volunteers appreciate and support the uniqueness of each child and will interact with children in a positive manner including: helping them feel welcome, comfortable, and supported; engaging them; recognizing their positive accomplishments; listening to what they say; responding to them with interest, acceptance, and appreciation; sharing skills and resources to help children solve problems; involving children in programming decisions; using positive language; and encouraging children to take on leadership roles.

AYS program policy prohibits negative approaches to child engagement, such as: corporal punishment; aversive stimuli; withholding nutrition or hydration; inflicting physical or psychological pain; demeaning, shaming, or degrading language or activities; unnecessarily punitive restrictions; forced physical exercise to eliminate behaviors; punitive work assignments; punishment by peers; and group punishment for individual behavior.

If a child’s behavior requires discipline, AYS staff will handle the inappropriate behavior by redirecting the child to another activity, guiding them through conflict resolution, allowing space and time, and communicating with them in a way that allows them to identify feelings and develop an understanding and respect for the feelings of others. AYS staff will discuss the behavior problem with the parent(s) and complete a report as needed. If the behavior continues, the Youth Development Leader will schedule a meeting to discuss strategies for improvement. If the behavior persists, the parent(s) will be notified of a suspension or permanent removal from Summer Days. If at any time AYS determines that the safety of any person or property is in question, AYS has the right to dismiss the child from Summer Days immediately. If a child deliberately damages any property or equipment that AYS is responsible for, the child/parent will be responsible for the cost of replacement. For additional information on related AYS policies, please see your Youth Development Leader.

Visits from Guests & Non-Parents

AYS believes that our programs are strengthened by greater parental involvement, and parents are encouraged to visit and participate in the program at any time during regular hours. AYS requires a parent to be present with any guests who visit their child and that their interactions are limited to only their child. While it may be tempting to correct or engage other children, AYS asks parents to notify AYS staff and allow them to address any concerns. AYS does not allow parents to discipline or question children who are not their own. This applies to Summer Days programs or activities on or off site. Failure to adhere to this policy could result in parental suspension or expulsion from Summer Days.


AYS arranges transportation for field trips through local school district agencies. Drivers will be at least 18 years old, have a valid driver’s license, and ensure the vehicle meets all safety requirements according to Indiana law. AYS staff will supervise all children during transportation.

A permission slip is required for all field trips and must be signed by a parent or guardian before the child can be transported. Parents cannot drop off or pick up children during field trips. If an exception is needed, parents must request and receive approval in writing at least 48 hours before the trip.

If an emergency requires a child to be transported to another location, AYS will arrange transportation through the school district or a transportation service. Any costs for this service will be the parent’s responsibility.

AYS may also coordinate off-site enrichment activities with other local programs. Parents must complete and sign a Field Trip Permission slip for these activities. Parents will be notified in advance by the Youth Development Leader. If a child cannot participate in a field trip, AYS may or may not offer an alternative activity.

Safe Conditions

The following steps will be taken to ensure the safety of children in AYS’s care:

  • Children will be actively supervised by qualified AYS staff at all times in accordance with the following Child/Staff Ratio Chart and other accreditation-based ratios as applicable but not greater than the numbers listed below:
  • All AYS staff members pass through an exhaustive screening process, including a comprehensive criminal history check, checks against the national sex offender list, and drug screening. In addition, staff participate in New Employee Orientation, receive Child Abuse Prevention training, Safety and Risk Management training, CPR/First Aid, and other ongoing trainings to ensure that they are qualified to work with children.
  • AYS will not provide services in areas that are being remodeled and/or repaired. The schools that AYS partners with are responsible for maintaining all interior and exterior surfaces; however, AYS staff will conduct routine and regular inspections of relevant indoor and outdoor spaces to ensure AYS is not exposing any child to an identifiable safety hazard or other unsafe conditions. These inspections include, but are not limited to, visual inspections of the relevant spaces.
  • In addition to the interior and exterior surfaces where services are provided, AYS will inspect all equipment and furnishings to ensure safe conditions. This includes making sure that there are no sharp points or jagged edges, protruding nails or wires, loose and/or rusty parts, and/or other unsafe materials. If at any point AYS staff has a concern, AYS will work diligently with school personnel to ensure all children are in a safe environment.
  • As part of AYS’ routine practices, AYS staff members clean and sanitize the areas in which AYS provides services. This includes, but is not limited to, sweeping/mopping, wiping down surfaces, discarding trash, and other regular sanitary measures. These actions occur daily, weekly, and as needed when items become soiled or contaminated.
  • AYS has worked cooperatively with the schools where AYS provides services to ensure that AYS staff members have and follow the school’s approved evacuation methods in the event of fire, severe weather emergency, or other threats. AYS conducts regular drills to ensure all children are prepared for such emergencies.
  • AYS prohibits the use of toxic substances by either the staff or the children and further prohibits the following items from AYS program sites: alcohol, guns, drugs, smoking, and violence.
  • To ensure all children are free from confusing and/or unsafe encounters with strangers, AYS does not allow strangers near children. When necessary, AYS staff will ask for the identification of any unknown individuals who are attempting to contact children. If unable to ascertain an approved purpose, AYS staff will ask them to leave the area or will contact the authorities, whichever is necessary.
  • If an AYS staff member suspects the person picking up a child to be intoxicated or impaired, AYS will separate the individual from the child, discourage the individual from leaving with the child, and let the individual know that if they leave with the child AYS must contact the police pursuant to state law.

Abuse & Neglect Reporting

AYS staff members are considered mandatory reporters for child abuse and/or neglect. AYS staff members will, if they have a reason to suspect a child is a victim of abuse and/or neglect, notify CPS by calling the CPS hotline at 1-800-800-5556.

Parents may contact Family and Social Services Administration/Office of Early Childhood and Out of School Learning with any questions or concerns: 402 W. Washington Street, Room W-361, Indianapolis, IN 46204, 317-234-4056 or 1-877-511-1144 or

Illness & Contagious Diseases

If a child becomes ill while at AYS, a staff member will contact parents/guardians to pick up their child. Children must be picked up promptly, within one hour. If you are unable to do so, please indicate which emergency contact will be arriving to pick up your child. Children who are experiencing symptoms of illness must be kept at home. These symptoms include but are not limited to: Fever (Above 100 Degrees), Chills and/or Chills with Shaking, Loss of Taste or Smell, Shortness of Breath or Difficulty Breathing, Cough, Congestion or Runny Nose, Sore Throat, Muscle Pain or Fatigue, Headache, Nausea, or Vomiting/Diarrhea. It is important for a child to be free from all symptoms for 24 hours before returning to any program.


All AYS sites practice emergency drills and have plans in place to keep children safe. These plans include moving children to safe areas, checking attendance, contacting authorities, looking for injuries, and notifying parents. Each site has procedures to assist individuals with mobility challenges during an evacuation. For more details, please speak with the Youth Development Leader at your site.

In case of an emergency, contact the Youth Development Leader at your site. If you can't reach the leader, please contact the OST Manager or our Customer Service line: 317-746-6255. If we can’t reach a parent during an emergency, AYS will work with authorities to provide care until the parent is contacted.

Sunscreen/Sun Protection

Children will spend a portion of their day in outdoor activities. Children must arrive to camp having already applied sunscreen. Parents please be sure to apply sunscreen to your child every morning before drop off. Parents must provide one 12 oz. or larger bottle of waterproof broad spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunscreen per week per child (SPF 50 or higher is recommended). Sunscreen must be labeled with child’s name. It is the child’s responsibility to apply sunscreen as needed. AYS will remind children to reapply sunscreen regularly. If your child will need staff assistance applying sunscreen you must provide written permission.

Additional Sun Smart recommendations:

  • In addition to sunscreen, provide a suitable hat, lightweight long-sleeved shirt, and footwear for your child’s use when outdoors.
  • On water play or pool days, provide an extra shirt for your child to wear over their swimsuit.
  • Encourage your child to wear sunglasses that block 100 percent UVA and UVB rays whenever they are outside.

Please be aware children may still get sunburned despite the precautions taken. AYS staff and other children are not allowed to share sunscreen.

Connect With Us

Parent Surveys & Feedback

AYS wants to hear regularly from all the parents and children it serves. To assist in gathering feedback, AYS may conduct a parent satisfaction survey during the summer. If you ever have any questions or suggestions for Summer Days programming, please feel free to speak directly with your Youth Development Leader or contact the administrative office at 317-746-6255.

Parent Conferences

Parents may request a conference with their Youth Development Leader or a member of AYS’ administration as needed. AYS may request a parent conference to work with families and learn how to best serve their children. AYS asks that parents make themselves available within two business days of any request for a parent conference.

Text Message Updates & Reminders

In case of an urgent situation, AYS will contact parents by phone and/or text with details. We will also send text messages about upcoming school or AYS program closures, such as holidays, professional development days, e-learning days, or teacher workdays. Please make sure your phone number is updated on your account to receive these messages.

Social Media and E-News

Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and YouTube. Our E-News will keep parents informed of program happenings. Email addresses provided at enrollment are added to our mailing list.

Sharing Policy Changes

AYS strives to keep parents informed about policy changes. We may send emails and/or provide handouts at the program site to communicate any changes. Questions should be directed to your Youth Development Leader or call the AYS admin office at 317-746-6255.


AYS, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, and donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. If you would like to make a donation, visit Thank you for helping us further our mission to enrich the learning and well-being of children in a safe, caring and fun environment outside of the school day.

4701 N Keystone Ave
Suite 475
Indianapolis, IN 46205

(317) 283-3817

Office Hours
8:00am – 5:00pm