Image of 3 kids

2024-2025 School Year Before and After School Programs

Thrive beyond the school day.

Being a parent can feel like being a superhero, and handling your many responsibilities while also caring for your kids can be overwhelming at times. With AYS, you can focus on advancing your career and creating a better life for your family while we empower your kids to dream big and become their own superheroes, helping them develop skills to excel in school and in life – all in an environment that feels like home.

enroll now

AYS now requires immunization records for each child prior to contract approval. If your child’s immunization records are not already on file with AYS, please submit them here.

Must be enrolled three business days in advance of first day.

Weekly Price Per Child

Annual enrollment fee is $35 per child and is non-refundable.

Before School$55
After School $75
Before + After $95

Discounts: Faculty (see Locations page), Military (15%), Multi-Child (15%), and Full Semester (15%).

Financial Assistance Options

AYS offers limited financial assistance through the Ellen Clippinger Fund on a first come, first served basis. Families are required to complete the following steps to determine eligibility:

  • Apply for CCDF at
  • Screenshot the response that pops up immediately after the application is submitted. You will need this for the AYS Financial Assistance Application.
  • Complete the AYS Financial Assistance Application at
  • An AYS representative will assess your application and follow up with you

Things to Know

Daily Activities

Field Trips & Outdoor Activities
Exciting experiences that encourage exploration and discovery

STEM & Hands-On Enrichment
Creative activities in science, art, and more

Physical Fitness & Group Play
Outdoor games and sports for health and teamwork

Social-Emotional & Independent Learning
Group and solo activities to foster growth

Daily Nourishment & Breaks
Snacks, lunch, and time to recharge

AYS reserves the right to cancel any program if minimum enrollment is not reached.
A waitlist will be applied to any program that reaches capacity.

4701 N Keystone Ave
Suite 475
Indianapolis, IN 46205

(317) 283-3817

Office Hours
8:00am – 5:00pm